How many people die of influenza in the USA each year according to this report?
What is GOARN and what organization coordinates it?
What is the “convergence model”?
Where did SARS originate (first index patient known)?
What was the first “superspreading event” within China in late January?
Describe what happened in late February 2003 that allowed the SARS virus to leave China and spread to other countries including Canada.
what are the three scenarios they predicted as possible ways SARS could re-emerge? (you can use more than 4 sentences for this question)
Which one of these three is most similar to how COVID-19 emerged?
How did “case B” catch SARS?
How many people did “case B” infect in Toronto? How many were family? How many were caregivers? How many were other patients? (you can use more than 4 sentences to answer this question).
What happened to the SARS response in hospitals from early to mid May?
Who was the first patient linked to “SARS 2” – the second wave of SARS?
What is “quarantine” vs. “isolation”?
Where did the word “quarantine” come from?
Does quarantine have to be “absolute” in order to be effective?