The Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso Date: 1937 Location: Tate Modern in London

Choose an artwork that falls within the timeframe we are covering in class.
Title of work:
Name of artist:
Date created:
Current Location and provenance of work:

Describe the provenance, who were the previous owners before the work arrived at its current location.
I. Techniques and media
Describe the type of materials and techniques used to create the work.

II. Size or dimensions of the work
Length and height in inches and centimeters

III. Style or Movements associated with the work Explain the style the work is associated with
the work and also what previous (works or artists) may have influenced it.

IV. Noteworthy Information about the work You can choose what you found through your
research to be the most significant aspect of the work.

V. Subject Matter or Content, and Message of the work What is it about? Who? What? Where?
When? Does it have a message? Explain the “iconography” or “symbolism”.

VI. Bibliography – Cite all of your sources (remember: you should have 3 scholarly sources). You
can use MLA, Chicago, or APA for your citation formatting.
* You must sign off on the Safe Assign agreement before submitting your paper. Make sure
you write the entire paper in your own words. Do not use quotes or inline citations!
Total number of words – 1500 – you can go over this amount, however a shorter paper will lower
your grade

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