Career Plan

Select one career path, either baccalaureate-level or graduate-degree, in psychology from those that have been reviewed in class or based on your own career research/interests. Then, in numbered order, please specify or list the following elements.

Your desired career (and its degree level, be it BS, masters, or doctorate).
Undergraduate psychology courses you still need to complete the major.
Undergraduate psychology experiences (e.g., research, lab experiences, field experience, teaching assistantship, extracurricular) you plan to acquire in the future.
Undergraduate courses outside of the psychology major you still need in order to graduate.
Undergraduate experiences outside of the psychology major you plan to acquire for your desired career.
Timeline (semester by semester) by which you will secure the courses and experiences identified in #2 – #5.
NOTES: The plan has not minimun page requirement as every student can chose the format they feel works best for their future career development. It can be a chart, narrative or bullet point format. Whatever works to keep you on track with your career goals.

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