For milestone #1, Start the CART site with three static HTML pages and a CSS file.
Create a dedicated folder for this project. This folder should contain all related files in this project. The future milestones are cumulative and built directly on top of your prior work.
Function/content requirements;
A home page named “index.html”, which include these contents at least:
Description of the center. You may reference the example sites.
Latest news: use list tags; make up some news items.
Use, and heading tags properly. Other contents you may wish to design: banner, front image, etc.
Put a note in the site footer to indicate this is a class project with a link to the
class website
2. About us (faculty) page
Present at least three faculty members with their information like image, positions,
research interests, and contact information. Put a link on each name which links to
his/her personal website. You may refer to faculty information here: or their websites here
3. A third page which you can decide what content to be put on. Use the reference sites as
examples. For example: projects, resources, events, etc. You have to use the table tag at least
once for some content.
4.For all three pages, display the following common contents:
The name of the center (site title) in a big heading
A logo with a link to “’
A menu which consists of three text links, linking to three pages above respectively.
Apply some hovering styles.
These common contents should display the same in all pages.
Style requirements
1. All pages should have the same style and layout.
2. Create your own page style. Use a simple style, neat, clean; not too colorful and flashy.
3. Apply some nice styles to HTML elements like paragraphs, images, lists.
4. All links should have some color other than the default color.
S. The menu item links style should be different from other links. Create a hover effect for menu
items so their styles change when the mouse cursor is on them.
File/code organization requirements
1. Use one style sheet file (.css) for all three pages. Use class selectors wisely.
Organize page content sections (header, content, footer, etc.) in a number of tags. This should be consistent on all pages.
3. It’s recommended to put all image files in an “img” subdirectory.
4. You should not use any wizard to generate HTML/CSS, nor should you copy and paste the
HTML from other source without cleaning it.