Assessment guidelines
Task: You will prepare a report outlining further details of your chosen research that will form
the basis of your Management Project.
Format: You should use the following structure for your Report – Research Proposal. You should
present your proposal in a single document with an appropriate front page, contents page,
headings and a correctly formatted reference list (Harvard style).
The proposal should include the following:
● Section 1: Research topic, aim and objectives
Identify your proposed research topic and offer a clear rationale, along with aim and objectives
■ In this section you should present your research topic and explain the topic area. The section should include appropriate and it should explain the rationale for selecting this research topic and what is the potential contributbackground information ion of the proposed research.
Also, the section should clearly present the aim and objectives of the proposed research.
● Section 2: Methodology, methods and ethical considerations
○ Identify and justify a research methodology appropriate to your proposed research
○ Identify and justify research methods and data appropriate to your proposed research
○ Identify key ethical considerations relevant to your proposed research
■ In this section you should discuss your research methodology. You should consider your epistemological approach and how this impacts your research design. Also, you should discuss your data collection methods as well as the types of data that you will collect for your research and the sources of this data. You should be able to justify your choice of methodology and methods referring to your research aim and objectives.
Also, you should comment on the feasibility of your research and your ability to access the required data. Finally, this section should outline the ethical considerations related to your research.
● Section 3: Research schedule/plan
○ Induce a provisional project schedule/plan for your proposed research
■ In this section you should outline the key milestones for the completion of your research project and propose the length of time that each milestone will require to complete. You should try to be as realistic as you can and you should consider things like work schedule and busy periods at work as well as holidays and other breaks. It will be useful to present your schedule/plan on a table listing the milestones, the duration of each milestone as well as a brief note for each milestone that will offer a
description of the role of the milestone in the process and a justification for the assigned duration, including any concerns, contingency plans, or limitations completing the milestone.

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