Macbook pro vs surface pro

Compare 2 computer systems that you might like to purchase:

ü Evaluate 2 different computer systems – check your local newspaper advertisements or online computer shopping sites for these systems. For example: an HP compared to a Dell or Gateway system or compare laptop computers to desktop prices and features or compare Macs vs. PC computers

ü Compare the CPU, Memory, Hard Drive, DVD drives and software included in the system, plus, any additional peripherals (such as speakers, free printer or scanner), warranties, etc.

ü Put these two systems into a table (instructions will be given in class and is also part of our application assignments)

ü Add a header that includes your name and the date; and a footer that has the page number

ü Add at least two footnotes which include the sources of your information using the Footnote command in Word

ü Tell me which system you like the best and why. For example: price is better, reliability, speed, special features, technical support, guarantee, etc.

ü The paper needs to be 2 pages in length and needs to be created using a word-processing system.

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