Applying Sociology to Education: What are some conflicting roles held by principals? Why is being a principal in today’s climate difficult? Seek out the School Report Card for a local school, and examine the categories and data included in it. How might a principal influence the data it contains?

Applying Sociology to Education: Describe an effective teacher you know. What do you think makes this teacher especially effective?

Putting Sociology to Work
1. Imagine yourself in the various roles of a specific school system. Compare your role behavior in each role, for example superintendent and teacher.
2. Thinking about your own educational history, with which roles or positions in the school hierarchy did you come in contact?
3. Observe the people in a school. Note the differing roles and the reciprocal relationships.
4. View the documentary film High School and try to identify some of the formal school roles you see individuals performing. Describe the reciprocal role relationships.
5. Examine several of the “Problems in Teaching Series” (Science Research Associates) films of teaching anecdotes and identify the roles the teachers, students, and administrators are taking in performing their formal roles.

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