2. Consider the set of system-based co-design principle (Ishimaru, 2020, p.146). How would your plan propose to recognize and address these principles?

3. Using multiple sources of data collected and analyzed during the co-design process and product, what data sets might you and your collaborators need in addressing a systemic issue to improve student learning/achievement (Ishimaru, 2020, p.146)? Explain.

4. What relationships would you need to foster and/or rebuild? How would you neutralize your positionality if you found it to impede trust in your co-design process (Ishimaru, 2020, p.146-153)?

5. Discuss the “messiness of codesign” and how it shows up for you in a collaborative community partnership? How does “leaning into tension”look and sound to you (Ishimaru, 2020, p.152-155)?

6. Who is making the important decisions impacting the school community you are working in? Reflect on the following statement “…you could just make the decision…but that’s an opportunity for co-design” (Ishimaru, 2020, p.157). What is an immediate opportunity presenting itself in your school/district for a co-design plan?

7. How can you, as a school/district leader, begin fostering solidarities (Ishimaru, 2020, p.158-164)?

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