Marketing Plan Template
Executive Summary (25-50 words)
Identify an OpenAI API application for this marketing plan.
Highlight the key points of your marketing plan.
Situation Analysis (150-200 words)
Briefly describe the background of the company (OpenAI).
Identify the key factors regarding the company’s internal and external situations.
What are the challenges and opportunities ahead for the company?
Marketing Objectives (25-50 words)
Present SMART marketing objectives: specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-bound.
Marketing Strategy (300-400 words)
Target Market of the OpenAI API application: Define and describe your target market (s) clearly. Provide the rationale of why you choose to target the market(s).
Positioning: Present a positioning statement.
Proposed Marketing Mix
Implementation (50-100 words)
List the timeline of progress/action program over the period of the marketing campaign. A calendar of main events/milestones may be included.
Budgeting and Forecasting (100-150 words)
Present the marketing budget for your action program.
Forecast the sales/revenue within your proposed timeframe.
Campaign Evaluation (25-50 words)
How will the campaign performance be measured?
Bibliography & Footnote (required)
Use footnotes in the text when appropriate. Identify all sources of information used to create the marketing plan and place them in a bibliography at the end of the report. Citation style follows the Modern Language Association (MLA) guideline ( Examples can be found via the link here.
Appendix (if needed)
Include any relevant explanatory or illustrative materials, such as graphics, charts, and tables.