Earned Value Management

Discuss the following in Essay form using attached references as a guide with at least one citation per discussion point:

Discussion Points:
1. What is the definition of Success in a Project?
2. What is Earned Value Analysis? What is the purpose of Variance analysis?
3. Discuss two of the performance Indeces


How is the work actually controlled now?
Do you have budgets for hours and costs?
Do you have data comparing actual hours/cost with planned hours/
How is the quantity of completed work measured and compiled?
Is completed work related specifically to hours used or based on
Are you kept informed of potential delays to milestones?
How long does reported information take to get to you after the close-
How much time/cost is spent between close-off and receipt of reports?
What action do you take after reading the report?
Can you take action based upon information in the report?
Is reported information reasonably accurate? If not, why not?
Who receives copies of the report? Why them? Can they take action?
Do they?EBSCOhost printed on 7/13/2022 1:24 PM via AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY SYSTEM. All use subject to https://www.ebsco.com/terms-of-use

Executing the project work l 195
Can you list who receives the reports for information only?
Who could take action to reduce costs, but does not receive reports?
Has someone been assigned responsibility for each piece of work in the plan?
Does the system provide a way to reduce key variables such as hours,
costs, etc?
Does the system focus on profit, time, quality, completion or more than
one of these?
Do the system reports and rewards motivate the desired behaviour?
Does the system allow time–cost–quality trade-off decisions to be
made quickly?
Does the system include an early warning system to identify risks and

Steps in the risk review:
Check whether any risks are no longer valid; remove the category and
risk data completely but leave the risk on the list for future reference.
Use the risk category matrix to verify the categories of all risks on the
list; amend the categories by consensus agreement among the team.
Prepare risk management forms for any risks revised to HIGH.
List any new risks identified from current work and new work plan
Use the risk category matrix to categorize new risks.
Prepare a risk mitigation strategy for any risks categorized as
Implement the action plans promptly.
Prepare risk management forms for new HIGH risks.
Ensure that everyone knows the triggers that signal HIGH risks becom-ing issues.
Confirm or allocate responsibility for managing the risks on the list.
Update the project risk log with any revisions to the risk scores and
Issue the project risk log to key stakeholders and the team

For any potential solution, ask:
Who is affected by the solution?
How are these people to be kept informed?
What are the expected consequences of the solution?
Who could be affected by these consequences?
Does the plan need to be revised?
Do issued work plans need to be revised?
Does the operating budget need to be revised?
Do project procedures need to be modified?
Are additional skills/resources needed?
What timescale is acceptable for implementation of the solution?
How is the progress of actions to be monitored?
What measurements need to be made to assess progress?
What indicators are required to show that further action is necessary

The main criteria for effective tracking are:
Work content – is it to estimates (both time and cost)?
Measurement – is everyone clear how to measure progress?
Timescales – are work plans being completed on schedule?

Quality – are standards being met in accordance with specifications?
Teamwork – are responsibilities being adhered to?
Changes – are problem-solving tools being used effectively?
Stakeholders – are they being kept informed, consulted and involved?

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