Answer the questions below. Your answers should make specific references to the assigned sources.
1) Who ruled Huron societies? How and why was that person chosen to be leader?
2) What roles did men have in Huron society? What roles did women have?
3) One historian has called Huron society a female dominated society. Do you agree, did the women have the power? Why or why not?
4) What could women do or not do in Western societies like the US?
5) How were women’s roles the same or different in the two societies?

8 CHAPTER 1 The New Global World, 14501620

What role did women play in Huron decision making?
Was their power realor merely a mask for male supremacy?
Ideally, Hurons suppressed their “violent passions” for the sake of the public good.
How realistic does this sound for a society?


A demographic catastrophe and a brutal conquest of another culture: should we pay
more attention to American hi
story before European settlement? Why or why not?
Note that the preceding accounts were all by Europeans and based on
European observations. Do they nonetheless contain reliable information about the

peoples they discuss? How do you judge?

Do these authors uniformly assume superiority to their subjects? Or are they
ambivalent about them, in some ways even admir
ing of them? Explain

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