Poole locality


Identify and assess the above (and any other relevant aspect of the economic and employment environment) and discuss the implications of this for the holistic health of various social groups within Poole, Dorset. UK.

The economic and employment environment eg types of employment opportunities; major employers; opportunities for start-ups; self employment rates; unemployment rates; average salary; state of the local economy; use of food banks/Citizens Advice Bureau; wealth and deprivation in the electoral wards; impact of cost of living crisis/the pandemic on the locality; quality and range of retailers; average council tax payments.

data, between 3 to 5 years, no more.

useful links:

NOMIS Data The NOMIS website is provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to offer free access to labour market statistics across the UK (you can research down to electoral ward level on this website)

ONS Local Data The local statistics section of the ONS census is also useful for a variety of relevant data Local statistics – Office for National Statistics ()

Local Health Profiles (Public Health England) Local Health – Data – OHID ()


(this one is very useful for the poole area)

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