FINAL REPORT: Digital Marketing Strawy for a Local Business
The purpose of the final pro)ect is to provide you earth hands-on experience in the development of a digital marketing strategy for a local sines. As a first step, you are required to find a local brioness (ma- or medium-sized)with an online presence,MaM, the business must have a website and offer/sell M products and/or services online. Your professor must approve Ms business, thus it is important that you ema:ItM URI. of Me company’s website to him as soon as possible. Once your business has been approved, you will be required to write a report for your moat Marketing Strategy that includes the components explained below. You must write your report using an essay-style (i.e. a narrative sty.) M a 5SMNIECRNoLdEsNmEDI (not including cover P.O., figures, Marts, tables or appendices). See formatting guidelines in page 2. The due date Mr your final report is midnight Pridayduly (11:S9 p.m., cm.
Your report should discuss the following: 1. Company cri Description and Market Anatole: Describe the company, Me product/services offered, target market, marketing mix (i.e. brief description of Product, Price, Promotion and Mare) and main competitors. In addition, you must include. UM of the company’s website. 2. SWOT Analysis: Describe Inc Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (05 and nrrews (T1 W the company. Your SWOT analysis should focus on the current ® marketing strategy for the company (e.g., weMite, social media pages, mobile anns, Mel 3. Website Evaluation: Evaluate. Me company’s websiM using the 6 principles of good web design explained in Mis cass. You can use the evaluation form provided by your professor but ou iir.,,arym, finc_kpr (you can include the fined form in the Appendix). Dec provide reconsecration on how to tmgove rear 4. Webalte MO Audit aW ComIte ommiramot Using SEO optimer (vmwjeoptirner corn), run an audit for the …Pare’, webs.. (*Page °:+Y). Analyze and summarim Me results for 5E0, Usability, Performance, Social Media and Security, and provide recommendations for improvement. S. wotaito SE0 Audit and Off-site Optimkatlent Using the Mllowing free backlinlochecker tool: blIRS://smallseorools com/backlink-cherker/ do an analysis of backlinks for the company’s webs.
rural Protect: Digital Marketing Strategy
MKTG.3343 Page 1
(hoMenalle MO) and summerlae your results.Then. propose a potential Link gait page lorMis site. Explain why this Link eat page would increase the number of visitors and backlinks to the site. 6 MN Paid MOM Marketing Campaign: Imagine that this company is interested in running its first digital marketing mmpaign and has a$1.000 budget for it Eased on what you have learned in this course, which of memnow u matketing techniques you would recommend to this company. Explain Me reasons for your selection and briefly describe your ideas bane campaign. at A paid march advertising campaign Iv) An online Manner ad) campaign c) A re marketing campaign di An email marketing CaMOMIn e) A Facebook marketing carMaign awn.: You an include am figures, Marts. Magm and tables to support the content explainer) in mdMns