PAPER 1 The Family
Assume that you have been assigned this case as a social worker, clearly demonstrate how you would engage Sandra and her family. The family includes Sandra, her four children, Travis (father of Caitlin) her parents and her aunt. What specifically will you do to build trust and develop a relationship with Sandra and her family?
Using a bio-psycho-social-spiritual model develop your assessment of Sandra and her family.
NOTE: Assessment (does not have to occur in one session…it is continuous)
1. Discuss the Biological and developmental milestones that you expect to see in the children
2. Review the literature to help guide your assessment based on the information you obtain.
Begin your assessment-
a. Assess the family’s home environment (HBSE).What resources are needed to improve the home environment?
b. Assess Sandra’s perspective on the spiritual aspect of her life.

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