Follow the instructions given below. This assignment is worth 20 points. Please read this entire
document before you begin working on the assignment, so you know what is expected. Please complete
this assignment before the due date and submit your results on Canvas to be graded. If you have
questions about how to complete this assignment, please schedule a time to meet with me during student hours or send questions to me by email.
1. Use MS–Word to create a document named project–summary.docx to answer the questions that follow.
Include at the top of your document the assignment name, the course number and section, my
name, and your name.
2.Give a summary of your experience working on the semester project. This description should
include at a minimum (i) the primary goals of the project, (ii) how your team accomplished these goals,
and (iii) at least one transferable skill that you acquired or refined while working on this project.
3. Submit your project–summary.docx document on Canvas before the due date so you can participate
in at least one document review cycle with me. This review cycle is part of the assignment. Feedback
will be provided to you using Canvas or the Review features of MS–Word (i.e., comments, track changes)
La Salle University Mathematics and Computer Science Department
CSC 154 Healthcare Informatics Summer 2022
Semester Project
Follow the instructions given below. This project is worth 100 points. Read this entire document before you begin working on this project, so you know what is expected. This project shouldbe treated like a real–world work experience. Complete this project as described below and submit your results on Canvas to be graded. Note that you will be graded as a team. If you have questions about how to complete this project,Schedule a time to meet with me during student hours or send questions to me by email.
1. You have been randomly assigned to a team in Canvas.
Determine which team you will be working with on this project. If you need to send email to me regarding the semester project, the subject of your message must include your team’s group number along with the reason for your message (e.g., CSC154–W Project Team 1: question regarding data security).
2. You have two weeks to submit a draft of your presentation and three weeks to complete the
3. You and your team are to analyze one month of New York Times Covid case data for
• Group 1 – January
• Group 2 – February
• Group 3 – March
• Group 4 – April
• Group 5 – May
4. The data is in a raw format as received from the New York Times distribution site. You will
need to process and analyze it to put it into a form that can be used to map it based on
different Covid severity categories.
5. Your final PowerPoint presentation will consist of six or seven slides:
• Title Slide – includes Title of your presentation, “CSC 154 – Healthcare Informatics”,
“Summer 2022 Semester Project”, Group number and Group members.
• The four slides described below.
• Final Slide – contains 3 questions as described below.
• You may include one supplemental slide to enhance your presentation if you choose. It
must appear after the Title slide and before the Final slide.
You are free to design your presentation in PowerPoint in a way that you think will be most
effective to communicate the information to your audience (me).
La Salle University Mathematics and Computer Science Department
CSC 154 Healthcare Informatics Summer 2022
Semester Project
6. You are going to prepare your presentation based on the monthly average for daily new
cases/100K for each state. The following four data categories should appear on separate
slides in your team presentation:
• Green – Threshold: <= 10 daily new cases per 100,000 people
• Indicates: close to containment
• Yellow – Threshold: 11–50 daily new cases per 100,000 people
• Indicates: community spread
• Orange – Threshold: 51–100 daily new cases per 100,000 people
• Indicates: escalating community spread
• Red – Threshold: >= 101 daily new cases per 100,000 people
• Indicates: unchecked community spread
Each slide must include the following information:
• A map of the United States showing the states included in the data category
• A legend with the data category color, threshold definition, and indicates definition
• A data summary with the lowest, most often occurring (i.e., mode), and largest number of cases
You may add additional information so long as doesn’t make your slides too busy. When you present
though, you’re going to need to describe the information in the slides.
7. A final slide in the presentation should include at least three questions that your team would like to
further investigate based on your analysis and presentation of the data (e.g., why are rural states
experiencing unchecked community spread?).
8. Here is some general guidance for presentation slides. Make sure your slides are easy to r