
For your Discussion Board this week, you will create a similar list of steps with accompanying images (or descriptions of images) for a new task: a “How-To” for completing a past assignment from this course

For your initial post this week, you’ll be making a chart (or “storyboard”) similar to the one below that details the steps of your task on the right, and includes images (or descriptions of your images) on the left to accompany each step.

The task you choose for your “How-To” guide can be an entire assignment, or merely a portion of one (such as how to format APA-style citations, or methods to make sure you get your Discussion Board posts in on time).

Try to choose a task that can be completed effectively in 5-10 steps, as longer instructions might get overwhelming. Your initial post is important, as you’ll be using it to make a presentation for this week’s Writing Assignment.

In your responses, assist your peers with their presentations. Are the steps clear? Do the visuals help or hinder the message?

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