COU 650 Draft Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: For this assignment, you will complete the biopsychosocial summary for Final Project One: Diagnosing.

Remember: When you are making revisions to this draft for the Final Project One submission, use the track changes feature for the revisions you make in
response to instructor feedback. Use this
Microsoft Help Guide for instructions on the use of track changes.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Biopsychosocial Summary

A. Describe the problem that the client is seeking help for in this case.

i. Make sure to address any problems, issues, or challenges the client may be facing.

B. Explain the symptoms affecting the client.

i. What are the behavioral symptoms?

ii. What are the cognitive symptoms?

iii. What are the emotional symptoms?

iv. What are the physiological symptoms?

C. Identify any potential harmful behavior:

i. Aggression

ii. Harm to others

iii. Harm to themselves

D. Determine if the client has a family history of the diagnosis. Consider how this may affect the client.

E. Use evidence-based research to support the biological factors presented in the case.

F. Outline how the client identifies themselves in the following cultural characteristics. Make sure to add rationale for any obscure answers.

i. Age

ii. Disability

iii. Religion

iv. Social class

v. Sexual orientation

vi. Indigenous background

vii. National origin

viii. Gender identity

G. Summarize how the client culturally identifies.

i. In the context of the identifiers above, how does the client culturally identify?

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