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Social work-How can the field of social work continue to grow in order to be a thriving profession?-What are the strengths and weakness you bring to the field of social work?
Social work-How can the field of social work continue to grow in order to be a thriving profession?-What are the strengths and weakness you bring to the field of social work?
Social work
What is social work to you?
Why did you choose social work as a profession?
What area are do you wish to practice in and why?
What are the strengths and weakness you bring to the field of social work?
What is your definition of social work/practice?
How can the field of social work continue to grow in order to be a thriving profession?
How has the field of social work evolved?
Where do you see the field of social work in the next five to ten years?
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DATA ANALYTICS-Evaluate your experience in carrying out the assignment. What went well and what was your response to any challenges? Briefly discuss your main points of learning.
Write an outline on concurrent ownership for the following two:definition of the concurrent ownership
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