What is the significance of Stephen’s dying vision of Jesus as Son of Man, standing at the right hand of the Father? Consider both elements in your answer: the designation (Son of Man) and the posture (standing, rather than sitting, at the Father’s side). Use the Bible, Ger, and one additional scholarly source to research this and to present your position.

Cornelius is described in Acts 10 as devout, fearing God, and prayerful. Indeed, God took note of his good works and heard his prayers. Why was it necessary for Peter to preach the gospel to him? Use the Bible, Ger, and one additional scholarly source to research this and to present your position.

Course materials can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a5d6X1rBB5zV69SX6HKc0kuVGm_jxfZy?usp=sharing

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