Epidemiology: Alternative study design to randomized trial
The randomized trial is considered the gold standard. However the randomized trial may not be feasible or ethical. Evaluate the scenario given below and provide some comments on the ethics and suggest an alternative design or research approach.
Scenario: In New York City between 1997 -2002 there were a series of trials assessing the efficacy of Antiretroviral therapy and vaccinations against various infectious diseases. The sponsors of these trials were the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Phase I and Phase II trials were conducted on HIV-infected children and infants in the guardianship of New York City Agency for Children’s Services. , living at a foster care facility in Harlem. The children were forced to participate and these experimental drugs had debilitating side effects.
Criteria: Your original response needs to be at least 200 words, but not more than 250 words total. Maximum points will be earned by integrating at least 1 resources (references) into your answer to support your statements. This resource can be any of the journal articles, webinars, documents, etc. included in the modules or others that you may find. You will want to draft your answer first, review, revise, add references and then post your answer.