Malnutrition in Ecuador

Prepare a five-paragraph medical research essay that will be in APA format Links to an external site. and must have: a three-point argument, at least four sources, at least four APA citations within the research essay (these could either be direct quotes or summaries), title page, and a references page. There should be at least three pages of writing.

Definition of malnutrition
Give background information of Ecuador
Discussed all general effects shown for malnutrition

Paragraph 1:
Signs of malnutrition
reduced appetite.
lack of interest in food and drink.
feeling tired all the time.
-feeling weaker.
getting ill often and taking a long time to recover.
wounds taking a long time to heal.
-poor concentration.
feeling cold most of the time.

Cause of child malnutrition in Ecuador is linked to poverty, and poor access to health services.

paragraph 2:
low levels of education

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