Critical Discourse Analysis on Cancel Culture and Academic Freedom
The assignment for this module consists of 2 tasks which together make up a single module mark
• Task 1: Essay (2500 words, 60%)25 references
• Task 2: Position Statement (1000 words, 40%) 10 references
Task 1
1. critically analyse some of the ways in which a selected education-related issue has been discursively framed within public debate(s).
2. critically demonstrate the usefulness of selected theoretical perspectives in offering alternative understandings of an education-related issue.
3. present academic work in appropriate style and format.
4. appropriately present work using standard referencing conventions.
Task 2
5. sustain a persuasive argument in relation to a key debate related to education.
6. critically and appropriately utilize current literature in order to effectively support a position on a significant education-related issue.