Macro A

1 Enter your last name in Cell C12.
2 Enter your first name in Cell C13.
3 Name cell C12 LastName.
4 Name cell C13 FirstName.
Complete the following macros and assign them to the related objects.
Macro A adds 6 rows starting on row 11
Macro B moves from any cell to the cell named FirstName. Stores the value in that cell to the memory variable MyFirst, moves to and places the value into cell G25.
Macro C puts ‘Starting Here’, in the active cell and puts ‘Ended Here’ in the cell that is 5 rows down and 4 cells to the right.
Macro D moves from any cell to the cell named LastName. Stores the value in that cell to the memory variable MyLast, moves to and places the value into cell named Start.

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