Refer to a course syllabus and identify this week’s assigned reading for A&P (or another class). Choose a chapter from this week’s assigned reading and list the deep-knowledge words from the chapter on the Vocabulary Self-Assessment Chart Preview the document. Most deep-knowledge words are in bold. You must have a minimum of 15 deep-knowledge words.
For each word, rate your understanding of the word: associative, comprehensive or generative. Fill in the box with today’s date to show your understanding as of today.
Any word that you only have an associative meaning of, use the steps in the morphemic analysis. (find at least 2 in your reading)
a. Underline the root, circle the prefixes and suffixes.
b. Look for words you know that are similar and have a common root.
c. Use this word in a sentence. Make sure the sentence is specific enough to show the true meaning of the word. Does your sentence make sense?
d. Reassemble the word and note how you can remember it, write it on your paper
For any word that you have a generative knowledge of, you must provide substantial evidence that you can use the word in the correct context and with the correct meaning by writing an original sentence on the vocabulary self-assessment chart.
Over the next few days, monitor your progress mastering these words by noting the date on the chart when you reached the generative level of understanding. When you have reached the generative level of understanding, check the word off in the progress column of the assessment chart.
Reflect on how deep knowledge words and morphemic analysis can be a useful study tool and or test-taking technique. (3 to 5 sentences or 100 to 150 words.)
Fill out the Vocabulary Self-Assessment Chart document Preview the document (this is the same as the attachment above) and submit to this dropbox for grading.