Appendix 12: Feedback from Service Users and Carers 2020-21

Feedback from service users and carers, and how you have used it to develop your practice should be evident throughout the portfolio.

Proforma for Critical Reflection on Service User and carer feedback (500 words):
To inform this account, your Practice Educator will have obtained feedback from service user / carers as part of their direct observation of an intervention you undertook with the service user / carer and recorded this on the direct observation form. This account should be informed by at least 2 pieces of service user / carer feedback. Ensure that this account is anonymised.

What are your reflections on the feedback given by the service user (200 words)

Based on the feedback given, discuss your areas of strength and where you need to develop, indicating PCF domains met and domains to work on. Include reference to working towards KSS if in your final placement (300 words)
PCF 1,
The service user talked about me being professional towards him and his mother and engaging with other professionals in respectful manner.

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