Powerpoint poster
Read carefully the instruction below and feel free to ask back any questions if needed.
Project task
Produce a poster using PowerPoint that critically evaluates the statement, “Behaviours associated with the development of Bipolar Disorder feature differently in adolescents and adults.” Your arguments must be supported by scientific research and citations.
Additional Guidance:
Your task is to produce a poster in PowerPoint which evaluates the statement presented
above. The poster should only take the space of one slide. It can have vertical or horizontal orientation. On the poster, you should split up the information into distinct sections and use
bullet-points, diagrams, tables and pictures to present the content where appropriate.
In the first section, you should introduce Bipolar Disorder.
In the next section, you should provide a critical evaluation of the statement, “Behaviours associated with the development of Bipolar Disorder feature differently in adolescents and adults.”
Your evaluation should include arguments both for and against the statement, supported by scientific research articles from peer reviewed journals with accompanying citations. These key research articles should be explored in depth (i.e. providing a summary of their aims, methods, findings and
conclusions). You should source from around 20 different publications and produce at least 20 examples supporting the argument.
Important: you should highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the key studies you discuss in terms of their methodological approach and how this might affect confidence in the findings. To obtain the highest marks, you should also incorporate contemporary issues/ topics.
In the final section, you should present a logical conclusion based upon the arguments made both for and against the statement