Forensic Lingustics

You are an academic conduct officer working at a University, and the student essay provided has been submitted to you as it is suspected that plagiarism has taken place.

Using the models and methods learnt on the module, analyse this essay and discuss whether you think plagiarism is or is not evident.

Run the suspicious essay below through Turn-it-in (you must do this on the Assignment page on Canvas in the Forensic Linguistic module site. It is entitled Turn it in check for SUSPICIOUS ESSAY, Assignment One.

Using the Turn-it-in similarity report, highlight all the instances of plagiarism (this can be direct sections, patchwriting, sections where the student has not provided the accurate source), note the genuine sources where the copied essay sections has been lifted.

Compare the plagiarized sections with the original sources, and using the theories covered (ensure to outline them!), discuss whether you think there is evidence of plagiarism using literature (and references) to support your argument.

Your assignment should be presented in accurate and appropriate academic English and use terminology and concepts relevant to the field. It should contain the following:

A. Introduction to the text and ‘placing’ of the text within its broader context, as well the wider context of forensic linguistics and methods/frameworks for linguistic analysis of discourse and text. Thus, this section should provide the ‘background’ to your analysis and show that you understand the relationships between your text, FL and linguistic analysis in general.

B. Definitions and brief exemplification of all concepts, models, theories, and analytical terminology used in the analysis

C. A detailed analysis with plentiful annotated exemplification from the transcript text in the main body of the assignment. You can do this by adding in data extracts; referring to line numbers in the text, and referring to the transcript in your appendix. All examples should also be referenced by line number to an appendix at the end of your assignment which contains the full text. All examples should be placed in italics to distinguish them from your words in the assignment, and should be numbered in some way so that you can refer back or forward to different examples where required without having to repeat the same example.

D. Detailed interpretation of your analysed data, referring to FL concepts, supported by scholarly references that show your reading around the topic.

E. Conclusion

F. References (minimum of five academic references, at least 3 of which must be taken from the module reading list. Every time you use or quote a source in the main body, it should be accompanied by a correctly formatted in-text reference (APA).

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