Social determinants of health

Choose a current or past clinical case and write a scholarly paper that  describes the relationship between a social determinant of health and a specific health  outcome (e.g., childhood experiences and anxiety, or housing and asthma, income and  obesity, etc.).

Using the Introduction-Methods-Results-And-Discussion (IMRAD) format,  the paper should include a description of the clinical case/medical issue/background, the  relevant social determinant of health that impacts the situation, methods of searching for  evidence, results of that search and any critical assessment of it, discussion  recommendations for change as demonstrated by the action/intervention of the  Registered Nurse, and systemic or health policy related recommendations.  Recommendations for change and reasons why (medical and social) should be based on  three – five peer reviewed/published articles on the topic. The paper should be no more  than five pages, not including cover page or references. A two-page Appendix will be  allowed.

Students may find the following website helpful in completing this assignment: determines-health/what-makes-canadians-healthy-unhealthy.html

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