The Epidemics Disease Act 1897 is short, outdated and colonial Act. The Act gives wide powers to the Executive to make regulations to manage the pandemic. The Disaster Management Act 2005 too gives ample powers to the executive to issue regulations / orders to manage the pandmeic. Indian rules / law / regulations to manage covid 19 are in the form of circulars and notifications issued by the Executive under DMA and EDA

The Executive response to covid 19 should be done by explaining each Guideline, Circular and Notification issued from March 24th 2019 to March 31st 2022, by the INDIAN EXECUTIVE (Ministry of Home Affairs) under the Disaster Management Act 2005 and Epidemics Disease Act 1897 to manage, control and regulate Covid 19 pandemic

Important Links:

1. Introduction

2. Explain each circular, notification and order issued by the executive to control and manage the pandemic

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