Arts Event Critique: Worksheet
Do not type on this worksheet, it is intended to help you remember what you experienced.
(To be scanned and turned in with Assignment. Also, scan and turn in evidence of attendance, e.g. ticket, or program cover.)
Who made or performed the work?
Location: where did you see the work?
What is the subject or story of this work? Theme(s)? What values can you identify that are expressed in the work?
How did the artist(s) choose to express their ideas? What style or form did they choose, and how did you recognize it? What were the clues?
What was the artist’s purpose in creating this work?
Was the work symbolic? If so, how did the artist use symbols?
How did the formal elements affect your response to the work?
Who was in the audience, and how did they respond to the work?
Discuss what values were presented in the work and in what way those values reflect the values of the time/society in which the work was made. If this is an older work, consider how it reflects the values of the time and place in which it was originally created, as well as today’s values.
In what ways did the work make you think and make you feel? Did your personal values affect the way you responded to the work?
Did this work change your thinking about art as something beyond entertainment? If so, how?