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1.Introduction and identification of critical incident. (min. 250 words) You should identify a critical incident as the subject of your reflection.Youshouldexaminewhathappenedindepth, including your thoughts, feelings and reactions at the time. ➢Phase 1 – Description What happened? What are you going to reflect on? Provide a description of the event.
➢Phase 2 – Feelings What were you thinking and feeling? What were your reactions and emotional responses at the time?
➢Phase 3 – Evaluation What was good and bad about the experience? Make value judgements–you can be subjective (your evaluation). Knowledge and Understanding
2.Analysis of critical incident from theoretical perspectives (min. 350 words) You should analyse the incident from different theoretical perspectives to explore and understand the incident.
➢Phase 4 – Analysis What sense can you make of the situation? How can you analyze the situation using relevant academic theories, concepts or models? You can use additional source materials and your work experience here.
Cognitive skills 3.Possible future approaches (min. 600 words). You should address the outcome of the incident and hypothesize on how you might change your approach to a similar incident in the future now that you have reflected upon it. Professional competencies
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➢Phase 5 – Action Plan What else could you have done? If it arose again, what would you do? What will you do differently in the future, based on this learning event? What is your plan of action now? What steps are you going to take on the basis of what you have learned?
4.Reflection leading to personal growth and professional development (min. 600 words). You should consider what you have learned about yourself from the whole reflective process and how your understanding has developed, identifying key points to take forward for future development, both personal and professional.
➢Phase 6 – Conclusion What can you conclude more generally from the experience and from your evaluation and analysis? What can you conclude morespecificallyaboutyourownpersonalresponse, situation or ways of working?