In this assignment, you will apply the use of reasoned arguments and personal beliefs to a case study.

Step 1: Consider the scenario:

Amnesty International has recently established a chapter in your area. Residents are encouraged by the organization’s message and good reputation, and everyone is determined to make this local chapter one of the largest in the state. In order to drum up further support, you have volunteered to create content for a group page on an online social network outlining the mission of Amnesty International. Another member suggests that you highlight a case with moral implications that is currently being contested.

Step 2: Research a moral issue.

Use the Internet to research a moral issue. Focus on the specific moral questions being debated as well as the opinion of all sides within the case.

Step 3: Examine a moral case study.

Address the following by creating content for your group page in hopes of attracting new members to your local Amnesty International chapter:

An explanation of the issue
The possible viewpoints and conclusions
A clear statement of your conclusion
An explanation of how you reasoned your way to your conclusions
An explanation of which underlying beliefs clashed with or supported your conclusion
Arguments to support your conclusion
How to form a reasoned argument illustrating the new belief
Remember, you are writing for a wide array of potential members. It is important that you exhibit superior knowledge of the subjects being covered while still packaging the materials in a way that is fun and engaging for new members. They should be excited to join your social network group. Follow these guidelines to further engage the audience:

Use clear, concise sentences.
Use clear and relatable real-world examples to help explain concepts.
Share your enthusiasm and interest in the subject matter.
Relate the material back to your own personal experience when possible.
Step 3: When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place.

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