
Write a critical review essay (4 pages maximum) on assigned readings in the Courses’ Second Section General Topics in Citizenship.

This essay is a critical review of key concepts in the course’s second section and should focus on them. You should also cite the lectures as well. Other outside materials are not required.

The essay’s required readings include:

David Miller: Group Rights, Human Rights and Citizenship

Cindy L. Holder and Jeff J. Corntassel: Indigenous Peoples and Multicultural Citizenship: Bridging Collective and Individual Rights

Your essay should include:

Authors’ Thesis (6 Marks)

You must identify each authors’ main point or argument in their articles

Authors’ Analysis (6 Marks)

Your summary and analysis should answer the following questions:

How do the authors support their arguments?
Which examples or related evidence do they use to develop their arguments?

Compare and Contrast (6 Marks)

Your summary and analysis should answer the following questions:

What are the similarities is each authors’ argument and methods?
What are the differences between the authors?

IV. Your Assessment (6 Marks)

Your summary and analysis should answer the following question:

Do you think Indigenous Rights can be reconciled with statehood to be fully recognized?

Note: 6 marks for structure and writing style.


Title Page: Include a title/cover page

Spacing and Font: Use double-spacing except for block quotes. Font should be 12-point font with regular page margins. Insert page numbers.

File Format Submit your file in MS Word

Citations: Citation style (APA) you must consistently use it. You must also include a bibliography with your paper.

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