Topic: The understanding of the host community in Dubai towards climate change and its effects on the environment


Paper details:

2.1 The belief that climate change is a myth

2.2 Can climate change be controlled by rules and regulations developed in a city to protect it for future sustainable tourism potential?

2.3 The developing Dubai and its major consumption of energy (involve government initatives and stats)

2.4 Sustainability should become a mindset in the minds of the host community (involve SDG’s, 11,12,13).

2.5 Host communities can adapt to change to protect their destinations (give examples of developed countries and how they did it)

– add whatever you feel is relevant please find attached documents for more information on the needed topic and you can contact me at anytime

– the attached is a previous proposal that may have some information you may need but bare in mind the topic has been changed slightly

– find the questionnaire to understand where in going with my questions

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