Q1  Review the materials in the LM5 main learning module. List any questions you have about the Case Study (A5) assignments. Skim through the healthcare.gov case study: https://oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-06-14-00350.asp and ask any questions you have below. Share as appropriate with your team.

Q2 Join a team within the course. List your teammates full names below. Comment on the process used to choose your teammates. List any questions, concerns, or comments you have about your team and/or its formation.
Team 4

Q3 Propose communication methods for your team, e.g., D2L emails and discussions, Google Suite, Microsoft Teams, etc. List them here and communicate with your team. Propose how and how often your team should communicate. Share as appropriate with your team.

Q4 Required- 20 Points) Review the Team Planning Excel Spreadsheet. With respect to typical project activities, there are traditional roles and responsibilities. Describe here which role/responsibility you would prefer to do for your team. Share as appropriate with your team. Here are some options:

Project Leader, Manager or Agile Scrum Master

Q5)  Review the Case Study Report Template. With respect to task assignments, there are several categories where presentation slides fall into a task that is separated in the Team Planning Excel Spreadsheet. Describe here which one or two slide categories that you would prefer to do for your team Please include at least one “Issue” category. Share as appropriate with your team. Here are the options:

Initial Slides (Template Slides 1 – 4)
Slides for Strategic Alignment Issue (Template Slides 5-7)
Slides for IT Risk Issue (Template Slides 8-10)
Slides for Good HCI & UX Issue (Template Slides 11-13)
Slides for IT Assurance Issue (Template Slides 14-16)
Slides for IT Project Management Issue (Template Slides 17-19)
Slides for Summary (Template Slides 20-22)
Slides for Recommendations and Lessons Learned (Template Slides 23-24)
Slides for References and Acknowledgements (Template Slide 25)

To help you decide on an issue, here are some details and hints:
Aligning IT strategy with the business strategy to provide value (hints: there was no vetted business strategy for the marketplace and website; requirements kept changing; Business Concept misalignment: HHS and CMS were used to and wanted to work on policy and not (technology for) a marketplace website)
Managing IT Risk, e.g., information security and identity management (hints: overly complex credentialing and login, data matching problems)
Supporting good HCI and UX (hint: huge number of screens and large amount of time to complete tasks)
Providing IT assurance (hints: managing outsourcing; the public provided the first stress test)
Managing IT Projects- IT problem solving and IT continuous improvement through project management and change management (hints: the contractor was requested to double capacity in 3 days; HHS/CMS authority coordination and conflict; poor leadership and communication; HHS/CMS initially had no “integration vendor”)

Q6 Complete D2L Discussion Posting:
Using your answers to the questions above, review and summarize your ideas about case studies in IT management and performing them as a team project.
Record your answers here..

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