Please Answer Five (5) of the following questions in sentence format:

Provide an explanation as to how each of democracy, federalism, and cabinet-parliamentary government have influenced the organization of the public administration in Canada? Explain your answer and provide examples.

Provide an outline of TWO organizational theories that you think have had an impact on the Canadian public administration and explain why and how you think these theories have influenced governance in Canada. What about these theoretical approaches have made them relevant to the Canadian public administration and has helped to shape its unique complexion?

Compare and contrast structuralist and humanist theories of public administration and assess which approach you believe is most appropriate for modern public sector management.

If you were prime minister, how many government departments would you create and what would they be? What areas, if any, would you privatize or nationalize and why? Justify your answer by explaining what areas of life contemporary government should be involved in.

Explain how the interplay of democracy and political culture affect public administration in Canada. Explain the difference between state and government and analyze how different forms of democracy affect the way government is structured, organized and run in Canada.

Explain what Ministerial responsibility is and how it is related to responsible government. Explain why you think it is or is not sufficient to hold the public administration to account.

Which of the major theories of public administration do you think is most relevant to address the issues Canada confronts in the 21st Century? Explain your answer.

Describe whether you think that a written or unwritten constitutional system is a preferable way govern a society, and, offering examples, provide an appraisal of what you think of Canada’s hybrid constitutional structure, which contains elements of both.

The evolution of the federal spending power as a convention in Canada has allowed the federal government to have considerable influence in areas of provincial constitutional jurisdiction. Given what you know about the nature of federalism in Canada, explain whether you think the federal spending power has had a positive or negative influence on public sector governance in Canada. Explain your answer.

Compare and contrast the following organizational forms, including the rationale for their establishment, structures, functions, mandates and accountability relationships:
a) Departments
b) Central Agencies
c) Regulatory Agencies
d) Crown Corporations

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