Topic Option #1:

The interview style and approach you choose makes a large impact on how the interview is conducted and the results you obtain. Discuss your views and/or experiences on how one (or several) of the interview styles (structured, unstructured, semistructured) and/or their associated variants (one-on-one interviews, panel interviews, group interviews, stress interviews, etc.) can effect the mood of the interview, the tone and tempo of an interview, the pace of the interview, the results of the interview, or any other effect you believe it may have. You can approach this from either the interviewer or the applicant point of view, or both.

Topic Option #2:

Much like the interview style, the type of questions you use can have a huge impact on the interview and its results. Open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, behavioral questions, situational questions, and probing questions can all be used appropriately towards getting the information you want from an applicant. However, for best results, most interviewers will choose to use a mix of these different question types to achieve the right information balance for the role they are interviewing applicants for. The most important things are that your questions are designed well in the chosen style, your questions are job related, and your questions are not potentially inappropriate or illegal in what they are asking. Discuss your views and/or experiences on how question types can effect the mood of the interview, the tone and tempo of an interview, the pace of the interview, the results of the interview, or any other effect you believe it may have. You can approach this from either the interviewer or the applicant point of view, or both.

Topic Option #3:

One thing that is certain in life is that we all have biases (conscious or unconscious) which can be hard to recognize on our own and even harder to overcome on our own. The textbook identifies several different potential biases that can be easy to fall into as an interviewer. Discuss your views and/or experiences with how these potential biases can effect the mood of the interview, the tone and tempo of an interview, the pace of the interview, the results of the interview, or any other effect you believe it may have. You can approach this from either the interviewer or the applicant point of view, or both.

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