Freedom of Speech

Reflect on the readings and our discussions. Write a brief paper (approximately 4-6 pages) using the structure below.


Briefly identify and explain the major concepts in this module (this should be no more than one page – it’s an introduction).

Workplace Application:

You designated a “workplace application” in Module 1 and articulated goals and stakeholders. Now write a paragraph that connects the concepts from this module to the workplace application goals and stakeholders.
Workplace problems:

Based on the above, what are the potential problem areas for your workplace?

Policies and Procedures:

How might those problems be addressed; that is, what policies and/or procedures might be designed? Don’t get into the details here – we’re not writing policy in this course!


Now go back to the list of values you created in Module 1. Which of those values are relevant to the potential problem areas you identified above?

Conflicting values – Analysis:

Looking at the potential policies and/or procedures from step 4 AND the values from step 5, are there values conflicts?
Evaluation and recommendations:

Recommend action and back your recommendation(s) with careful reasoning based on the analysis above.

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