Narrative Essay

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In week one, you completed a discovery (prewriting) activity, created a narrative outline, and drafted the introductory paragraph of your essay. This week you will draft and revise your narrative essay and submit it for assessment. The essay should show planning, revision, a clear thesis statement or main idea, paragraph organization, purpose and direction, and effectiveness of conclusion. It should reflect feedback you received from your instructor on your outline and demonstrate understanding of the writing process. There are several resources to assist you including the graphic below, a revision worksheet you should review after drafting your paper, to help revise/edit/proofread for final submission.

Narrative Essay Instructions:

The following criteria reflect the areas needed for a successful narrative essay.

The essay should have a clear purpose and a main idea/thesis statement within the first paragraph.

The narrative should share a larger lesson with the audience than simply retelling an event.

A strong narrative centers on a conflict building from introduction to body to a thought-provoking resolution.

It should use descriptive language to bring the reader into the experience.

See pages 89-92 for more details about the qualities of an effective narrative essay.

Writing on the following topic:

Share an experience where you faced a serious challenge.

How did you overcome that challenge?

What did it teach you?

In your conclusion, think about what others should learn based on your experience. (Avoid using “you”–see the Week 1 Blog.)

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