Title: Leading Provision in Early Childhood Education and Care
This is a written report that focuses on Leadership and management in Early Childhood Education and care.
This literature based option will require you to reflect theoretically upon what is considered to be effective leadership within Early childhood Education and Care.
This will be informed by both practical experience and theoretical knowledge of effective leadership.
You will need to consider relevant research, policy and models of leadership within your critical analysis- focus on ECEC
I have attached;
-Assignment guidance
-Assignment brief
-Leadership and management overview- choose the relevant ones from this document.
– slides for Week 1, 4 and 5 that need to be looked at for the introduction.
I must have added extra but please look at the ones that are relevant.
Include- how to make a connection with the themes and ideas to discuss and theories ideas of literature that have been aligned across the module.
relevant weblinks
if you need anything else please message me.