
The analysis paper is based on American Can Cars for Kids’, Also known as Texas Can Academies

Analysis Paper: FINAL + Rubric

Make sure to utilize all parts given to you: analysis part 1-4 and corrections needed per professor request. Utilize all resources/references given within the analysis. (2) utilize rubric to clarify all sections of the paper (3) Laid out the paper/every heading as listed below. (4) utilization of the Forms 990’s (it is included). (5) ensure you read all appendices, and all must be included and cited. (6) include all appendices at the end of the paper but clarify it in the paper. In addition, but more critical include the corrections per instructor request (all noted in each part of the analysis pieces), the instructions of how the paper must be laid out and the rubric.  Thanks in advance.

Incorporate all sections previously completed in the following order. Feedback will be provided on each section. Points will be deducted for papers that do not incorporate major feedback items.
1. Executive Summary: Provides a brief overview of the report and presents the key recommendations you are making.
2. Introduction: Tells the purpose of the paper and introduces the content of the report.
3. Short Description of Agency: Agency is described well enough that the reader knows what problem(s) it is trying to solve, what it does, what its goals and objectives are, what the responsibility centers are, etc. An organizational chart is a required visual aid and explained. Include what at least one client outcome is, and define at least one unit of service that can be used for cost analysis purposes.
4. What Agency is Currently Doing in Terms of Funding (including trends for last 3-5 years)
– Describe the agency’s “theory of fundraising” if any
– Summary of Agency’s Current Financial Position (using the agency’s financial statements and the financial ratios learned in class)
– Summary of funding trends over at least the past three years. Use financial ratios to show changes.
– Show a minimum of 3-year trends in agency use of fees, government grants, foundation grants, donation, special events, social enterprise efforts and/or other ways of raising funds (if applicable) and how much funding each provides.
5. Analyze Costs of Achieving Units of Service and Outcomes. Use correct techniques in analyzing the cost of units of service and outcomes and in forecasting at least two things that could be of use to the agency to know.
6. Predictions of Funding Environment for Next Five Years for your Agency: Be sure to “personalize” your information and include issues of diversity and cultural competence.
7. Recommendations for Improving Current Practices. (including Dealing with the Funding Environment for the Next Five Years, use of forecasts or information on setting fees, and so on. Be creative.) Include issues of diversity and cultural competence.

Please see the Rubric and syllabus or more details.

Please attach as a FINAL PDF DOCUMENT + Word Document


Analysis Paper- FINAL

Analysis Paper- FINAL

APA format, grammar, and page limitations

Please use APA format throughout all aspects of your paper including tables, figures, and references. Use correct grammar and punctuation. Use APA style writing that is appropriate for reports. Please make sure your paper is the required number of pages (14-16 for this assignment). All required appendices must be present and in APA format. Any new or optional tables, figures, or appendices should be in APA format. Any tables or figures that take up most of 1 page should be moved to appendices. Appendices are NOT counted towards the page requirement. Cover page and references should be present and do NOT count towards the page requirement.


Executive Summary

Executive Summary should be present, clear, descriptive, and 1/2 a page. Provide a brief overview of the report and present key recommendations you are making.


This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction and description of agency (Part 1)

Content from Part 1 should be present, clear, and descriptive. Appropriate feedback should be incorporated. All aspects of Part 1 rubric should be followed.


Outcome Agency’s Current Funding (Part 2)

Content from Part 2 should be present, clear, and descriptive. Appropriate feedback should be incorporated. All aspects of Part 2 rubric should be followed.

Cost Analysis (Part 3)

Content from Part 3 should be present, clear, and descriptive. Appropriate feedback should be incorporated. All aspects of Part 3 rubric should be followed. NOTE: if you did the extra credit assignment, and it is relevant to your recommendations, please include it, here!


5 Year Predictions/Forecasting (Part 4)

Content from Part 4 should be present, clear, and descriptive. Appropriate feedback should be incorporated. All aspects of Part 4 rubric should be followed.


Recommendations for Improving Current Practices

Recommendations should be present, clear, descriptive, and 2 pages. Please take all information compiled and all analyses performed to make recommendations to the agency for improving their current practices. Recommendations can include changes to spending practices, fundraising practices, fee setting, etc. Recommendations MUST include at least ONE fundraising technique that the agency is not currently using, or could improve upon. Recommendations must be based on content learned in this course and the data provided in your paper. Please be respectful in your word choices.- this should be something that is appropriate and professional enough to share directly with your agency contact, if requested.


Ethics & Cultural Competency

Ethics, and Cultural Competence

Discussion is present, clear, and descriptive. Consider the macro environment, the agency’s mission, your recommendations, your analyses, etc. Provide a discussion specific to your agency on ethical and culturally competent practice as it relates to

fundraising AND financial management.



Conclusion is present, clear, descriptive and 1/2 a page. Please provide a closing summary of the report and key recommendations.




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