Nerve cell/system

Choose your topic- it should be a question (something you relate to and want to find out more
 Any topic related to cell biology
 Quality of content is MOST important
o 1000 to 1500 words
o 1 in margins all around; 12pt font (prefer Calibri or Arial); 1.5 in spacing;
 Use APA style
o Free citation builders; Noodle Bib Express, Knight Cite, others
o Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) has amazing resources on grammar, formatting, and
 Charts, illustrations, diagrams are not necessary but can always be good
 You will be graded on your ability to answer the questions below
– Did you correctly identify the hypothesis?
– Did you introduce the why for your hypothesis- almost like a background?
– Did you clearly identify at least 3-4 articles, papers that address your hypothesis?
– Did you accurately discuss the major concepts in the article?
– Did you relate the article to points discussed in class?
– Is your paper edited for punctuation and grammar (spelling, etc.)?
– Did you provide your thoughts/opinion on the subject?
– Did you use YOUR OWN WORDS to explain the article and the concepts?
– Did you include a reference section and correctly cite sources within your review?

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