Paper details:

CREATE A SURVEY IMMIGRATION POLICY FOR JOE BIDEN CAMPAIGN SURVEY FOR VOTERS AND TRUMP LIKE THIS YOU USED THIS QUESTIONS What do you think that Joe Biden’s policy should be? IMMIGRATION, HEALTH CARE, If he adopted that policy how likely would it be that you would vote for him?

Not likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very likely How likely would it be that you would vote for him no matter what his policy is on immigration? Not likely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Very likely NOTES HERE I would also asked a forced choice ranking (you can only use each ranking once) to rate the following issues on importance from most important, 2nd most important, 3rd most important, 4th most important least important.


What do you think that Joe Biden’s policy should be If he adopted that policy how likely would it be that you would vote for him How likely would it be that you would vote for him no matter what his policy is on immigration? I will ask the following questions to random voters. I will ask what a voter /sampler thinks immigration is human rights issues. Should immigrants allow into United States or immigrant should be ban. Should DACA recipients be given green card and citizens by Biden when elected or abolished by Trump? Building of boarder wall by president productive or not Are immigrants Rapist/criminals said by Trump. Do you favor Biden legalized illegal immigrants in the United States if elected? Trump and Biden who do think has better immigration policies and who will you vote for during the election

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