What is the difference between the way the word “theory” is used by laypersons, and the way developmental psychologists use it?
How are developmental theories useful to educators, parents, and other professionals?
What is the difference between the term “sensitive period” and the term “critical period”? Why is this difference important to educators and other professionals who work with children?
What are some “what” and “why” child development questions you might be interested in studying?
Discuss (1) your view on shape and timing of child development and (2) how your view impacts your practices in dealing with children.
The book discusses the following quantitative research designs: correlational, experimental, across sectional, longitudinal design, sequential design, and microgenetic design. Describe each of these research methods in your own words using an example, particularly indicating what would be dependent variable and what would be independent variable(s) in your example.

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