Achieving the American dream is a perception that runs throughout The Great Gatsby. Within the context of Fitzgerald’s novel, define the idea of achieving the American dream. Is the American dream an illusion or reality in Fitzgerald’s novel?

The research paper is due June 6, 2022, 11:00pm. The paper must strictly follow the guidelines presented by the MLA. Chapter fifty in your text book gives excellent illustrations. The paper must be five to seven pages in length. Besides the primary text, four other credible outside sources are to be used.

As you begin drafting with your closed thesis statement in hand, I would like you to incorporate the four-part introduction. We cannot use the traditional five paragraph model for this argumentative research paper. Below is a bullet list to follow.

Paragraph One: Introduce the author, a short bio on F. Scott Fitzgerald, no more than three to four sentences. Introduce the novel, a short summary of The Great Gatsby (1925), no more than two to three sentences. Explain the novels theme, what is Fitzgerald message with the novel?
Paragraph Two: The question at issue, copy the question you have chosen word for word, with the question mark in place . . .? The second paragraph is the question you are answering throughout your research paper. To answer the question, you will incorporate the Stephen Tomlin model of Claim, Support, Warrant, and Backing.
Paragraph Three: Introduce and explain the opposing view. We cannot have an argument if it is not debatable. So, what is the opposing view? Explain and clarify the view opposed to your own. Remember, the dialectal and the Rogerian strategy.

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