Answer the following questions:

1. Examine the Research Proposal Memo (WA#1) instructions. What permission must you request? To whom should your memo be addressed? What information about your research must you provide?

2. Examine the Synthesis Lit Review (WA#2) instructions. This assignment calls for the student writer to use scholarly (academic) and professional (trade) sources. Explain what you understand a scholarly source and a professional/trade source to be. You should consider offering an example of each type of source.

3. Take a look at the Research Report (WA#3) instructions. What additional research demands are placed upon the writer for this assignment compared to WA #2? How can you as writer best present your report so that it is most readily accessible for your primary audience?

4. Writing on the same topic for WA#2 and WA#3 make the writing of the research report an easier task than it would have been if different topics had been chosen. Comment on how the writing on the same topic for both these assignments can help you as you write your research report.

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