Discussion Board Forum 2: What’s In a Number?
Read the white paper, “Three Undocumented Layers of the OSI Model and Their Impact on Security,” found in the Reading & Study folder, before attempting this discussion board thread.
The number 7 is often used in the Bible to represent “completeness” or “perfection.” Read “What is the biblical significance of the number seven/7?” from the Reading & Study folder.
After reading the related articles, explain whether you believe the 7-layer model is a complete and perfect representation of the way in which networks must be constructed. If you believe the model is a complete representation, support your position. If you believe the model could be improved upon, as suggested in the assigned reading, describe the new model and support your position. You may even have a different model in mind than either the 7-layer or 10-layer models presented. If so, describe your new model and support your position.
The title of your thread must reflect your opinion. If you agree that the model is complete and perfect “as is,” title your thread “Keep the 7-Layer OSI Model.” If you believe the model could be improved upon, title your thread “Change the 7-Layer OSI Model.” In either case, support your position with 2 references. One reference may be the Bible. If you choose to support the 10-layer model in the assigned reading, your other reference may be the assigned article. Feel free to include as many references as needed. Note that, due to the nature of this topic, your references do not need to come from peer-reviewed journals. Much valuable information can be obtained from other sources, such as cisco.com, technet.com, etc.