Review a website for a healthcare facility/organization/service; not your current organization. Determine which of the 9 stages of the Family Life Cycle the website would most attract and why. It could cover more than one stage, and often does. Describe the site, provide the URL, and detail the items that match the Family Life Cycle.

Family life Cycle
1. Bachelor stage Young Single people not living at home
2. Newly married couples young no children
3. Full nest stage one youngest child under six
4. Full nest stage II youngest child six or older
5. Full nest stage III Older married couples with dependent children
6. Empty nest one older married couples, no children living with them, head in the labor force
7. Empty Nest II older married couples, no children living at home, head retired
8. Solitary survivor stage one in labor force
9. Solitary survivor stage II Retired

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