Analytic Essay. Write an analytic essay on autocratic, democratic, or technocratic personality, institution, or culture.
Topic: Focus on one issue in your essay. There are obviously nine possible issues to choose for
your essay: Autocratic personality, democratic personality, technocratic personality; autocratic
institution, democratic institution, technocratic institution; autocratic culture, democratic culture,
technocratic culture.
Source: Read From Autocracy to Democracy to Technocracy: An Evolution of Human Polity
( If you write
on autocratic personality, you should read Part III completely so you can develop your ideas on it
for a good essay. If you write on democratic institutions, you need to read Part IV carefully. If you
write on technocratic culture, you must read Part IV thoroughly.
Required Elements: Your essay must tackle these essential elements. For example, if you write on
technocratic personality, you need to address (1) what automatic personality is, its main
characteristics and behavioral symptoms; (2) what social factors and forces lie under autocratic
personality; (3) how autocratic personality molds political leaders, influences common citizens,
and shapes social atmospheres; and (4) how autocratic personality might penetrate in democracy
and even technocracy while dominating autocracy.
Length: Write your analytic essay for as long as you like. The minimum is 10 pages.
Format: Font: Times New Roman; Point: 12; Spacing: Double; Margin: one inch on each side.
Submission: You need to submit your analytic essay through Turnitin at our class site on Canvas.
Essays showing a similarity rate of 15% or higher will be penalized with a deduction of 1.5 or
higher points. For example, an essay identified by Turnitin as having a similarity rate of 21% will
automatically lose 2.1 points. Essays showing a similarity rate of 50% or higher will be subject to
the double penalties provided by the class policy on plagiarism: (a) you lose all 14 points
partitioned to the essay assignment; and (b) you are penalized with a deduction of another 14 points
from your earned total score.

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