In your own words, and providing an explanation of your answers:

How does the current Texas Constitution limit government power?
Does the current Texas Constitution weaken or limit the Texas government to the point that the government cannot perform effectively?
If so, in what ways?
If not, how have these limits on governmental power helped the government perform effectively?

A quality original post is no less than 200 words with no grammatical errors. A response post needs to be thoughtful, respectful and no less than 100 words.

Make sure that you are directly addressing the specific questions asked in the prompt—and using course information in your posts. The discussion board posts serve as a replacement for our class discussions, and are intended to allow you to address a thought-provoking prompt from the foundation provided in the course materials. In this respect, your initial post should be fundamentally based upon your understanding of the information in the course materials—how has what you’ve learned in the chapters in that specific unit help you answer the questions asked in that specific prompt? The discussion board is also a place for you to express your own opinion, but it should be an informed opinion, and one supported by properly cited evidence.

Additionally,make sure that you are carefully following the assignment instructions that are posted with the specific prompts. The scoring rubric that is used to assess the discussion board is posted and available for you to view as well. You are encouraged to carefully review the scoring rubric before writing your posts to ensure that you are addressing all parts of the assignment.

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